Alcohol, weight and calories
We're all aware of the importance of a healthy weight. But alcohol is full of hidden calories.
Many of us don’t think of alcohol as being high in calories. But while we might say “no” to dessert, we might not think twice about a couple of drinks.
For many people cutting down on their alcohol is an important step in losing weight.
Alcohol contains around 7 calories per gram – almost as many as a gram of fat. It can cause weight gain which can raise our risks of heart disease, high blood pressure and stroke.
- A large glass of red or white wine can have around 225 calories – similar to a jam doughnut. If you drink four large glasses of wine a week, you’d need to do 4 x 30 minute high impact step workouts a week to burn it off
- A pint of 5% lager can have around 220 calories – the same as a Mars Bar and nearly as many as a McDonald’s hamburger. f you drink four pints a week, you’d need to play football for over 90 minutes to burn it off
If you are trying to lose weight, cutting back on alcohol is recommended. And it can reduce the risks of cancer, heart disease, high blood pressure and stroke.